They held this little ceremony, funnily enough, right next to the Rocky Statue outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Rocky is a made-up character, a leg-breaker for a bookie who gets a second chance at a boxing career and makes good. People in this town love him.
Hopkins' real life mirrors Rocky's. Hopkins went to jail for robbing people, discovered boxing behind bars and decided to spend his life behind the ropes and made good. People in this town hate him.
The crowd to witness this pat-on-the-back by Nutter was sparse. It should have been packed.
Don't ever believe the hype you hear about Philly lovin' the blue-collar underdog who gets a second chance. They only love it on film...and dare I say, when the neck in the blue collar is white.
Since the Weekly Press came out today, you may or may not see more about this in next week's edition.
I hope someday this town erects a Hopkins statue.
Here's some footage of Nutter and Hopkins from the ceremony.
Also, you'll find below an isolated clip of Hopkins cutting into former Eagles Quarterback Donovan McNabb to close his remearks today.